Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Green....er.....Purple Thumb

My mom got a bad infection in her left thumb over the weekend & has escalated to the point where she is in the hospital this evening for observation. The have sliced her thumb up numerous times now to try to find the infection & have yet to find it, but are hopeful that a heavy dose of antibiotics tonight will help it. Here are a couple of pictures I took on my phone this afternoon when I stopped by their house (before the hospital trip)...


Anonymous said...


Claudia said...

You got some really good pictures with you cell phone~~sorry to say it got much worse!!
You probably don't know yet~~as I just went to the Dr. today, but the tendon in my finger got severed and I can't lift my finger anymore. So I have to wear a finger cast for a month or two in hopes that it will heal together.
Love you,