Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Relaxing Presidents Day

Sara had the day off, so we decided to work anyways. =) She brought work home & I went "to the office" & worked most of the day. At about 12, my mom & Kaenan dropped by to say hello. They stayed & talked for about an hour & a half which was a nice break to our day.

At 6 we had a youth staff meeting to plan Wednesday & then we came home to watch Prison Break. Sara & I got hooked on this show a couple years ago. I am SO frustrated right now with the show. Not only has this writer's strike ruined most prime time TV for the past 3 months by them showing nothing but re-runs, but when they start ruining already running shows, that's when I get mad! Prison Break had it's show Finale last night due to the writer's strike. it was supposed to air 9 more episodes & conclude everything, but instead they ended early due to necessity. It ended with MANY story lines unfinished & open. I am so torked because there is not enough information to make another season. If they do it would be dragged out WAY to long & be retarded. So what am I left with? Watching a show for 4 years to have it end with incompletion. Characters I got wrapped up into & a story line I started to follow week after week ended abruptly. I feel cheated. It was like watching a 24 but having it end mid-season. They have cliff hangers each week. That is how this felt. & then Fox announces afterwards that the show is over! HOW RETARDED!

Ok now that I'm done ranting. =) Today is a pretty chill day...Just work, then practice, then relaxing.

1 comment:

Karli Del Biondo said...

Landon's parents like that show, but we couldn't get into it. If you haven't tried "The Shield," you'll love it. I think Dad would, too. You should do Netflix, Robby!